Argumentation and Debate

Argumentation and Debate
Free and civil argumentation and Debate is the heart of all democratic processes.

Argumentation and Debate

Welcome to the web page of the course Argumentation and Debate! This humble web page is an on-going project I am undertaking as part of my dedicated initiative to transcend the borders of our classroom. Please ignore the advertisements embedded because I am subscribed to a free web hosting service. Nevertheless, I enjoin you to join me as we embark on this journey, and together, let us explore the all the joy and worthwhile facets of argumentation and debate.

“Only those afraid of the truth seek to silence debate, intimidate those with whom they disagree, or slander their ideological counterparts. Those who know they are right have no reason to stifle debate because they realize that all opposing arguments will ultimately be overcome by fact.” ~ Glenn Beck

Our edmodo online class platform

As a support to augment our limited class contact hours, we will likewise utilize the functionalities of the website to the fullest. This site will host our online quizzes, online assignments, etc.

To complete your argumentation and debate learning experience, enroll in our online class platform. Here’s how:

  1. Use this group code to enroll: esa9vb
  2. Go to
  3. Click the button “I’m a Student”
  4. Fill in the needed information such as: First Name, Last Name, the group code, Email address, choose a Username and a Password (you need to remember the Username and Password), then click the button “Submit”
  5. You are now enrolled! You need to customize your profile by adding information about you, upload a profile image, and other details.
  6. Your interface is set like a social media feed where you can post status updates, message your friends and classmates including your teacher, friend/unfriend someone and follow someone or some posts.
  7. Enjoy!

Course description

This course aims to develop among the students the principle of argumentation and debate as the demonstrate skills in conducting proper argumentation and debate as well as manifest cooperation and oneness in a team debate.

Course intended learning outcomes (Cilos)

At the time of completion of this course, the students should be able to:

  1. Analyze and explain the principle, nature and importance of argumentation and debate.
  2. Identify the good characteristics of an effective debater.
  3. Develop the meaningful discussion and understanding on the theories and principles of argumentation and debate.
  4. Exercise freedom of speech/ideas through argumentation and debate.
  5. Conduct an argumentation and debate as they apply the principles and methods of an effective debate.

Course topics

Prelim Period (Weeks 1–6)

Introduction; TIP Vision and Mission; TIP Graduate Attributes/ Institutional Intended Learning Outcomes; Program Objectives/ Program Intended Learning Outcomes; Course Objectives/ Course Intended Learning Outcomes; Course Policies.

Introduction to Argumentation and debate. Definitions, history and development. Foundations of Argument; Elements of argument, Types of Reasoning. Foundations of Debate; Applied debate, academic debate. Obstacles to clear thinking. Fallacies of evidence, reasoning, language, pseudo arguments. Ethical considerations in argumentation and debate. Meta-ethics, Normative ethics, Applied ethics.

Midterm Period (Weeks 7-12)

The Debate Proposition. Controversy, types, Status quo, presumption, burden of proof and burden of rebuttal. Analyzing the Issue. Defining terms, issues. Evidence and Proof. Sources, types, probative force of evidence. Test of evidence. Uses, tests for credible evidence. Gathering and organizing evidence. Reviewing, researching, reading and organizing materials. Arguing for the Proposition. Objectives of the affirmative, propositions of value and policy, building for optimum capability. Arguing against the Proposition. Objectives of the negative, proposition of value and policy negative approaches. Cross-examination. Purposes, strategies. Refutation. The shifting burden of rebuttal, purpose and place, preparing refutation, arranging material, selecting and extending evidence and reasoning, structure and methods of refutation.

Final Period (Weeks 13-18)

Listening and evaluation. Steps in effective listening, judging the debate, functions of the judge, judging philosophies and functions of judge’s decision. Debate as public speaking. Public speaking anxiety, elements of effective public speaking. Formats of academic debate. Oxford-Oregon format, Parliamentary debate format. Actual debate competition: T.I.P. Debate Grand Prix.


  • Freely, Austin J. & Steinberg, David L. (2014). Argumentation and Debate:Critical Thinking for reasoned Decision Making. 13th Edition. London: Wadsworth Cengage Learrning.
  • Fedrizzi, Mariann (2011). Debate. Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning.
  • Govier, Trudy (2010). A practical study of argument. 7th Edition. California: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.