Technical Writer Interview

Technical writers, also called technical communicators, prepare supporting documents to communicate complex and technical information more easily. They also develop, gather, and disseminate technical information among customers, designers, and manufacturers.

Mr. Bien Samonte, 28 years old, is a marketing professional in Toyota, Cubao, Quezon City. The reason why we chose to interview him is because in his 1 year length of service in toyota, cubao, he made several different types of technical documents which are quotation forms, quation proposals, application forms, approval forms, purchase order, PNCM (promisory note chatel mortgage).

These are the following questions that we asked during our interview:

In the course of job, are there problems arose related to technical communication? If any, how was it solved?

–    “The most common problem is having “identical” signatures of the client on all documents. The solution for this is the client will sign again until all of the signatures are identical.”

Elicit the most important quality or qualities of a technical communicator.

    “You will need to be patient because you must have the inner strength to guide you through those difficult episodes to be a good tech writer. The next one is Plain writing because Technical writing is all about plain unadorned writing. You must know how to write without the kind of introspective and emotional language that is welcomed in “creative writing.” And another quality is about Curiosity because you need to have an endless curiosity both for technology and science, on the one hand, and writing and communicating, on the other.”

Solicit pieces of advice to upcoming technical communicators (like you do)

” Be Humble, writing is an iterative process. Through good planning, thoughtful writing, and constructive feedback, you will grow and improve your technical writing skills. Use Attributions because good attributions are efficient. Make a persona because the crux of good technical writing is writing for your audience. Writing should be easy, if you’re thinking ‘writing is always difficult for me,’ writing is probably not your real problem.”




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